How it all began

best diaperBefore we had our daughter, Ally, we could never understand the fuss over something as simple as a diaper. It has always been a simple piece of fabric to cover the little one, to keep her poo and pee till it’s safe to dispose of them. Only after her arrival, did we learn that every diaper is different - just like how every baby is unique.

My husband and I tried several brands before we finally found the one Ally was comfortable in, or so she seemed to us. That took us a few months and several bagfuls of diapers. Our initial plan to ask for free samples from individual diaper companies were thrown out of the window after two weeks when the samples failed to arrive despite us providing a sh*tload of personal information on their websites.


This led to the birth of Diaper House, with a really simple objective: to let first-time parents like ourselves try out various brands of diapers in the market before deciding on the one that suits our little ones best. After all, every baby’s bottom is different too, isn’t it? 

Ally’s mum ❤

P.S. Did you know diapers contribute to more than 3.5million tons of landfill to the world? We hope to do our bit, by reducing the unnecessary purchase of diapers through this meaningful sampling process. Ultimately, we only have 1 earth and we want to do our (tiny) bit.